Friday, August 15, 2014


We were privileged this week to head up into the northwest of Bulgaria (only about an hour and a half drive from our town) to minister.  Team Bulgaria (the Mellingers, the Galloways, Karson Barfield, the translators, Peggy and Rossen and some of their family, and Naomi, a young lady from England) had services at night and worked with the children in the morning.  This town doesn't get much attention from outsiders, so they felt very important to get to do crafts and sing songs.  We even showed a movie one night after the services.  They enjoyed it and were extremely appreciative for the love, encouragement, and fellowship.  We plan to go back to do some leadership training this fall.

Praise reports:
*Building relationships in Truhn and the time spent with the precious people there.
*We have had $2200 given since our last email!  Praise the Lord!  Sometimes there is a lag between when donations come in and when I get the information, but I will inform each week as I get the numbers.  Thank you to all that pray and donate.
Prayer needs:
*There is still a need of $11,400.

Karson, Jessie, Naomi, Chance and some new friends
Limbo time!

Time with the parachute

Making puppets


Hiking with the teens

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