The past 2 weeks were spent up in the mountains with children from the Roma village. We had a puppet show every morning then divided up by age to learn Bible stories. Elsabe and I took the older girls and taught each day on a woman from the Bible. We talked about how brave these women were. These girls (in the upper right hand picture) ranged from 11-14. They shared with us how girls are stolen every few days in the village. Men come and snatch girls and they are not seen again. They shared about an 11 year old that was taken in the center of the village just 3 days before they left for camp. I asked if they would like a home for girls to keep them safe and they said, "YES!" They are still living at the school in Razhdavitsa that only goes up to 4th grade, just so they can stay safe. I pray for these girls and these kids. I wish I could share fully what they have to live through. Maybe over the next few weeks I'll be able to, through stories of kids, convey the life they live and how I hope to help them. My heart is full with the love they shared and haunted by the wailing tears I heard as they had to go back to the life they live everyday.
Praise reports:
*Through generous donors, each child was able to receive a new pair of pants, a shirt, new underwear, a new pair of socks and shoes.
*They had 3 meals a day and in their prayers, they thanked God for the good food.
Prayer needs:
*Pray for us to be able to stay in Bulgaria. We have enough for the bills through the end of August, after that, serious discussions have to be made because there is simply not enough to last the rest of the year.
After working on budget this week, we currently need $22,700 to make budget for August through December. We currently have $9,100 pledged to come in for the rest of the year. This is currently where we stand.
God Bless,
Chance, Dee Dee, Mitch, Catherine, Jessie, and Alan
Many thanks to those that love and pray for us. We value your partnership and support. Being on the frontline of ministry requires a definite group of people willing to pray and uplift us, and we know we would/could not be here without you all. You are loved much!

After 3 1/2 days of program planning, the children have arrived!
50 pair of pants, shirts, shoes, socks, and underwear to give out! Thank you to those that donated to the clothing fund!
They loved the camp dance!
One night was boys and girls night. The boys played football (their favorite thing) and the girls had manicures and hair. Such fun!
Every day started with a puppet show
Morning program told Bible stories to different age groups.
Afternoon activity- arts and crafts
and sidewalk chalk
Saying good-bye is the hardest of all