We have been living in Bulgaria for some time and the Galloway
family has a saying… “It Is What It Is”. I cannot remember when we originally began
saying it or how it became a part of our everyday lives, but it is now what we
say when things happen here in Bulgaria that are the way they are. It is how we cope with the different way of
doing things.
My son says it is an Alabama saying, but I have heard it here
in Bulgaria and from other Americans also, so who knows. We realize that when you encounter a different
culture it will not be the same as the culture that you are used to. We have to embrace the differences and realize
that it is not better or worse, it is just different. Here are some differences:
Driving and Roads:
Every two-lane
road is actually a three-lane road (pass at your own risk). There are pot holes in the road that will
damage your car. There are some big potholes! We call them pot graves because some you
could bury a person in. The Police are constantly pulling people over
to the side of road for “inspection”. You park your car wherever there is some space
(middle of road, sidewalk, etc.) There is no warning about workers
ahead…pay attention.
The sand is very different from Gulf
Coast beaches….coarser.
Some topless and completely nude
people…ages 2 to 80.
You cannot find a rib eye steak or
any other steak for that matter!
All the restaurant menus are the
Best vegetable and fruits I’ve ever
had in my life.
Eastern Europeans are very family
Public urination is not against the
Women will clean the urinal next to you while you are doing your business.
Women will clean the urinal next to you while you are doing your business.
Some bathrooms are equipped with a
hole in the ground only.
Eastern Europeans will use a tool until it is absolutely broken and will use anything to get the job done.
Eastern Europeans will use a tool until it is absolutely broken and will use anything to get the job done.
We have
enjoyed getting to experience life from a different perspective. Eastern Europe is a fascinating place; it has
a lot of beauty and history. Growing up
in America we heard a lot about Greece and Italy, but because the Ottoman and
Communist governments hid Bulgaria from us, we did not realize all the history
and beauty here. We enjoy getting to
unfold and learn all about this hidden treasure of a country and learning all
of the differences of how things are done and of course we continue to say, “It
is what it is”.